Welcome to Two Rivers Resource Conservation and Development Area


Two Rivers RC&D, Inc. will lend assistance to community leaders to develop rural economies by improving and conserving local natural resources.  A concerted effort will be made to identify the areas’ problems and then provide the leadership and framework for carrying out solutions to these problems.  We will serve a diverse local and regional constituency and support local networking, coalition building and partnership building. 



To bring about economic improvement through the development of the natural resources, within our RC&D local region, provide for environmental protection, and to work with others to resolve the social concerns of the area. 

The sponsors of Two Rivers RC&D are the county governments and the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of the five county area.  In 1971, they requested assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to improve the economy with orderly development and conservation of resources through the Resource Conservation and Development Program (RC&D).  In 1972, the USDA approved this request and the Two Rivers Resource Conservation and Development Area was established.  In 1973, Two Rivers RC&D became a not-for-profit corporation in Illinois and a 501(c)3 charitable organization as recognized by the IRS. In 2011, all federal financial support was terminated and the Two Rivers RC&D operates as a self-sustaining non-profit organization.